It's time to revisit the goals we set back at the
beginning of the month. I'm actually kind of curious to see how bad we failed!!
Make applique shirts/onesies for the partay - DONE!
Create the treasure maps for the partay - DONE!
Make oreo cookie truffles - DONE! Shoot, we ate them all before I snapped a picture. I will make more soon!
Come up with a game plan for the deck gate - FAILED!
Re-wire the light in the garage (Dad?) - FAILED!
Run the water line to the fridge (Dad?) - FAILED!
Create a crawl space in the attice (Dad, are you still reading this) - Major FAIL. I didn't even remember this was on here
Honestly, I think there was one more thing that included you, Dad! I will ask Chris... - This was shaving the doors, obviously another FAIL
Start on the new shrubs in the front - DONE!
Decide to either make a bedskirt or purchase one for the guestroom - Kind of done. I decided we aren't purchasing one due to the length of the drop, it isn't a common size at all. I will either make one or scrap the idea totally, since Chris wants a bunk bed in that room anyway
Do my weights workout at least four times a week - Major FAIL!
So there you have it, folks! We did pretty darn bad, didn't we? Let's see what we can do in September!
- Run the water line in the fridge
- Shave the doors
- Rewire the light in the garage
- Start the deck gate project
- Make something that includes chalkboard paint
- Lose 5 pounds
- Try not to fall the entire month of September
- Go to bodypump at least once a week
- Get Jason and Amanda's wedding gift
- Do something noteworthy enough to put on our Christmas card (more on that later)
- Book our camping trip with Darin and Mike
- Go to Ikea
- Go to the Goodwill Outlet
I will add to this if we remember anything else we wanted to try and get done this month. Here is to better luck in September!
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